Dr. Naomi Findlay, PhD, is Australia’s Renovation Royalty and works with people around the country to help them create wealth and freedom using her Rapid Renovation Formula. She is also an internationally renowned speaker and thought leader on digital marketing and engagement in the construction and renovation space.
At the NAHB International Builders’ Show® (IBS) in January, Naomi will present the session “The Latest Digital Marketing Trends to Transform Your Remodeler Brand & Bottom Line.” We caught up with her to get a sneak peek into her session.
NAHB: Without giving too much away, what will people learn at your sessions?
NAOMI: If you want your remodeling business to thrive, you must embrace and leverage technology. In this session, attendees will learn the latest trends in digital marketing for their businesses, action steps for marketing using mobile technologies, and the power of partnerships and strategies for increasing mobile-centric marketing to transform business profitability.
NAHB: What’s the one thing you look forward to the most when attending IBS?
NAOMI: Seeing the different product innovations that are not available in Australia.
NAHB: What’s the most interesting industry trend for 2020?
NAOMI: Renewing by making the old feel new again is one of the biggest trends, as well as sustainability in our industry.
NAHB: How has the industry changed in the past five years?
NAOMI: Our industry has become so much more socially and environmentally conscious, progressive and innovative.
NAHB: What do you see as the biggest challenge in the industry now?
NAOMI: In Australia, it is the shortage of labor.
NAHB: What is one piece of advice you would give someone who is just starting out?
NAOMI: Invest in your education and be brave.
NAHB: Who inspires you?
NAOMI: Oprah
NAHB: What was the best concert you ever attended?
NAHB: What’s the last book you read?
NAOMI: “The Power of Vulnerability: Teachings on Authenticity, Connection and Courage” by Brene Brown, PhD
NAHB: What are you currently watching on Netflix?
NAOMI: Outlander
NAHB: What’s the coolest thing you are working on right now?
NAOMI: Designing a beautiful rose farm.
NAHB: What’s your secret talent that very few people know about?
NAOMI: I can bend time to fit anything in. If you want it in your life, there is a way to make time for it.
NAHB: What’s your favorite family tradition?
NAOMI: Sleep out on Friday nights. All of the mattresses come off the beds and into the living room, and the six of us watch movies.
NAHB: If you had to work but didn’t need the money, what would you choose to do?
NAOMI: Exactly what I do now: renovating and designing.
NAHB: What is your success quote?
NAOMI: Never give up because it’s when you’re about to give up that the tide is about to turn.
NAHB: In three words or less, what is your prediction for the building industry in 2020?
NAOMI: Consolidation and innovation.
“The Latest Digital Marketing Trends to Transform Your Remodeler Brand & Bottom Line” will take place on Wednesday, January 22, from 1:45 – 2:45 PM at the Las Vegas Convention Center. Learn more about the 150+ education sessions and register at BuildersShow.com.