A Few Reasons Skipping IBSx Would Be Bad for Business

Top Reasons to Attend IBSx

Virtual or not, IBSx is still slated to be the biggest gathering of residential construction professionals (and companies) all year, which means …

It means that if you don’t attend, you’re throwing away several opportunities to make connections or find a product or service that could improve you and your business and take you in a new and improved direction.

It’s really, really inexpensive. Same Builders’ Show benefits for less.

For NAHB Members? An Expo Pass is 100% FREE. And even for non-members, it’s only $50 which is a bargain compared to other shows and you’ll never be able to access the in-person Builders’ Show this close to the show at such low rates. PLUS, you don’t have to shell out all that dough for hotel accommodations, airline tickets, food (well, aside from the stuff you put in your fridge at home) and all those other expenses that pile up when you travel to the show.

You can experience IBSx on your own schedule, at your own pace.

The beauty of a virtual tradeshow is that you aren’t confined to being in a physical space, which means you can peruse products, services and other features of the show when it’s convenient for you. PLUS, if you miss any of the High Performance Building or Home Tech demos  when they take place, you’ll be able to watch them on-demand through March 31, 2021. If you have an All Access Pass, you’ll also get more than 100+ live, semi-live and on-demand education sessions, offering you tons of knowledge and learning opportunities to pick up new tips and strategies for your business.

It’s going to be a new and exciting experience, which means …

Which means you’ll be able to access industry leaders, peers, top companies and experts more easily than ever before, and your feet won’t get tired doing it.

3M. GE. Whirlpool. Panasonic. Lowe’s. Masonite. Fiberon. MiTek. Pella. They’re all going to be at IBSx. And that’s just a few of the leading brands, you won’t want to miss. With an IBSx Expo Pass or IBSx All Access Pass, you’ll have access to both IBSx and KBIS Virtual exhibitors, giving you 300+ brands to explore!

You also won’t have to fight through crowds to get in front of the people you need to meet to grow your partnerships. All you have to do is use one of our intuitive built-in features to strike up a conversation and start doing business—use private meetings and appointments, 1:1 live chat and more.

You won’t get to see a bunch of things you’ve never seen before.

New product launches! IBSx is your chance to see the latest innovations before they hit the market, giving you the chance to wow your customers with your in-the-know product expertise. You’ll also be able to explore the Best of IBSx™ Award finalists and learn why these hot products were our judges’ top picks. PLUS, join the excitement, weigh in and cast your vote for the ‘Best in Show’!

New for 2021, you’ll be able to check out the Start-Up Zone to hear pitches, see live demos and discover emerging business with breakthrough solutions for the housing industry.

Need a bonus reason?

Virtual tours! This mainstay and mega-popular opportunity during the in-person Builders’ Show, will still be available, virtually. The New American Home® and The New American Remodel® not only incorporate the future, with walkability and luxurious summer kitchens, but they tap into the past too with nods to organic architecture, Frank Lloyd Wright and iconic American design.

So, what are you waiting for?

Make plans now to spend some time investing in your business and connecting with the entire residential construction industry, February 9-12. Don’t miss out—register today!


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