Single-Family Builder: How Does Your Compensation Measure Up?

Single-Family Builder Compensation Study, 2022 Edition

Discover how other single-family builders are compensating their employees with pay and benefits. Uncover the data compiled in the Single-Family Builder Compensation Study, 2022 Edition, to benchmark the compensation and benefits you should offer your employees.

What’s Inside Single-Family Builder Compensation Study

Find salary, bonus, and benefits data for 39 single-family builder job positions. Discover how other single-family builders are compensating their employees with pay and benefits to determine how you should be compensating your employees.

The Study & the Data

The NAHB Economics & Housing Policy Group collected compensation and benefits data for 39 common positions at single-family home-building companies. The data was analyzed by region, 2021-dollar volume, 2021 single-family starts, and number of employees on the payroll. Review the findings from two different perspectives: compensation and benefits for 39 positions — a broad view of the full-time positions that exist at single-family building companies, a comparison of average total compensation and benefits across positions and compensation and benefits by position — a detailed view of the average compensation and benefits for each position. This data is collected every three years.

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Available fromNAHB BuilderBooks, turn these insights into action to attract and retain employees. Find more information and purchase your copy of Single-Family Builder Compensation Study, 2022 Edition. 


  1. John says:

    Please send me this info!

    1. Campbell McCarthy says:

      You can access the title by clicking here.


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