“A high-performance home isn’t always just about the building materials,” explains Michael Gardner, principal for Studio G Architecture & Luxus Design Build. “It’s also about looking at the project holistically … [and developing] a solution that works for your site conditions.”
For a desert climate, like Las Vegas where this year’s New American Remodel (TNAR) is located, the goal was to stop the heat from getting into the home. Gardner notes that one of the reasons why he picked the lot that he did was because of three existing deciduous trees. They are south-facing to block the intense desert sun in the summer and allow the sun to come through and naturally warm the house in the winter.
Other key features in this high-performance home are deep eaves and strategically placed windows. Both design elements allow for indirect natural sunlight to flow indoors while still minimizing solar gains.
The team developed their own wall assemblies using a series of different materials. This includes R17 high-density foam and wrapping the exterior, which reduces thermal bridging into the house. An open cell spray foam—about three and a half inches thick—was also applied to act as an air barrier, in addition to FI-FOIL HY-FY. The team used a similar design with the roof assembly.
“When you walk through the home, you can feel a 10- to 15-degree drop [in temperature] because of the envelope assembly,” concludes Gardner.
Registered 2019 IBS and KBIS attendees can tour The New American Remodel daily during show hours via complimentary shuttle buses departing every 30 minutes from the Las Vegas Convention Center. Plan to tour TNAR to experience the effects of this thoughtful design.
About The New American Remodel
The New American Remodel™ 2019 is a state-of-the-art modern-day marvel showcasing new products and systems that have recently been introduced to the housing market; when completed, the home will be approximately 5,200 square feet. Designed and constructed by Luxus Design Build, it illustrates how today’s industry products can be utilized and integrated into a remodeled home to exhibit more efficient methods than in the past. These advancements can be incorporated into any renovated home through systems integration to enhance long-term cost effectiveness and maximize performance. Visit TNARH.com to learn more.