NAHB 2020 Awards Call for Entries Has Begun

Little girl wearing a plaid shirt holding hands in the air and looking up

Gather your photos and write descriptions of your spectacular projects and accomplishments because three NAHB awards programs are now open for entries. See what’s on the menu!

The Best of American Living™ Awards (BALA) is the building industry’s premier residential design awards program. Now in its 37th year, the BALA spotlights the most creative and talented building industry professionals who have redefined design excellence for homes and communities around the globe....

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Upcoming Deadlines: Enter the Industry’s Top Awards

Woman and man standing next to each other holding an award plague.

Each year, several awards programs are held in conjunction with the NAHB International Builders’ Show® (IBS) to celebrate outstanding home-building projects, designs and individual achievements.

The deadlines to enter many of the top programs are approaching soon. Here’s a brief description of the awards and their upcoming deadlines.

The Multifamily Pillars of the Industry Awards honor top professionals and their projects serving the vibrant and growing...

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