If you are interested in speaking at the 2014 NAHB International Builders’ Show, there is still time to submit your topics and ideas. Education session proposals will be accepted through our online system until Friday, April 19, 2013. The 2014 Show is being held February 4-6, in Las Vegas, NV.
As the housing industry rebounds and the needs of our professionals are evolving, we too have made some significant changes to our RFP process, the content we seek, and the manner in which sessions are selected for and offered at IBS. We encourage all speakers to review our rules and guidelines carefully before submitting a proposal. Those that best match the criteria outlined will have the highest chance of being selected.
For proposal guidelines and to submit your program for consideration, please visit www.nahb.org/Speakat2014IBS. For more information about the NAHB International Builders’ Show, including a list of education sessions presented at the 2013 IBS, visit BuildersShow.com.
If you have any questions or would like to recommend a topic or speaker, please contact Kirby Simmering at ksimmering@nahb.org.