Randi Busse is the founder and president of Workforce
Development Group, Inc., a training and coaching organization that specializes
in improving the customer experience, increasing customer retention and
maximizing revenue. She challenges business leaders and employees to think in
innovative ways when it comes to taking care of their customers.
At the NAHB International Builders’ Show® (IBS),
Randi is presenting, “Rants
into Raves: Turn Your Customers On Before They Turn On You,” which also
happens to be the name of the book she co-authored. We caught up with Randi to
get a sneak peek into her session and a few fun tidbits, too.
NAHB: Without giving too much away, what will people learn
at your IBS session?
RANDI: They will
learn who is taking care of the customer, which will determine what kind of
experience the customer has. They will also learn what customers want.
should people come to the show to hear you speak?
RANDI: I can
help people learn how to retain their customers, and they’ll learn what to do
to inspire their customers to refer them.
NAHB: What’s the one thing you are looking forward to the
most while attending IBS?
RANDI: Connecting with other attendees.
NAHB: What’s your
favorite part about public speaking?
RANDI: Connecting
with the audience.
NAHB: Do you have
a favorite podcast?
RANDI: I listen to
Out BIG.” There’s practical advice that not
only can I use in business, but I can pass information on to my clients, too.
NAHB: You are based in Long Island. What is one must-do activity
you recommend to out-of-town visitors?
RANDI: The Massapequa Preserve—great scenery and it’s very serene. I love to walk and ride my
bike there.
NAHB: Any random fact you could share with us?
husband and I just started buying real estate—renovating houses and flipping
NAHB: What’s the
last book you read?
RANDI: Your Employees Did What? 7 Strategies for
Driving Workplace Performance, by Barbara Walters.
NAHB: If you
were stranded on a deserted island, what are three items you’d want with you?
RANDI: Water,
wine and WiFi.
NAHB: Success
quote …
RANDI: “Whether
you think you can or you think you can’t, you’re right.” – Henry Ford
When you select “full registration” for IBS, you get
access to over 140 sessions across 8 different building industry topic tracks. Register
for IBS today.