Fourteen pre-show courses will be offered before the start of the 2018 International Builders’ Show® (IBS). These one- and two-day courses give you a chance to take a dive deeper into specific industry topics and to increase your skill set. All courses also offer 6+ CE for NAHB Designations and other industry professional credentials. Click the course links for more details.
Here are the Pre-Show courses offered on Saturday, January 6:
Advanced Green Building: Building Science | 9:00 AM – 5:00 PM
This two-day course instructs builders and remodelers on the proper building science techniques for constructing and remodeling high-performance homes. On the agenda is more than just energy efficiency; it covers creating a more durable, environmentally responsible and sustainable living environment.
Estimating and Scheduling for Profitable Business Operations | 9:00 AM – 5:00 PM
Project preparation is about many processes working together to make you more efficient, allowing you to provide greater client satisfaction, build stronger relationships with your team and vendors, and protect your company’s profits. This one-day course provides you with the knowledge and skills to perform two of the critical processes in project preparation: estimating costs and creating the schedule to complete the project.
Marketing & Communicating with the Aging in Place Client (CAPS I) | 9:00 AM – 5:00 PM
Millions of Americans are living longer and more active lives, and because they are embracing their new lifestyles, they are seeking ways to revitalize their home environment—for current and projected needs. This one-day course will provide you with the knowledge and tools to effectively market and sell services to the aging in place (AIP) market.
Spokesperson Training Part I: Question & Answer Skills for Business & Media | 9:00 AM – 5:00 PM
Are you someone who dreads talking to the media or giving a presentation? Spokesperson Training helps building industry professionals deliver their message in a thoughtful, effective way. Part I is designed to help you master strategies for developing key messages and delivering them effectively for various platforms—from print to social media to in-person business meetings. (Part II is offered the following day.)
Check back for more information about the Sunday and Monday Pre-Show courses.
Nowhere else during the year will you find all of these courses available in one place, at one time. Pre-show courses are offered January 6 – 8, 2018 in Orlando, and registration for pre-show courses will close in advance of the show.